The fat-lady may well sing one day, but for the time being, she's still backstage getting dressed. Until then, what's on your 'Regrets-List'? What did you genuinely wish to do in your lifetime? And is it really too late?

This week, the media covered yet another inspiring true story of an octogenarian receiving her doctorate. What an astonishing feat - to begin studying in your late seventies, then graduate at eighty five.

And why not?

By contrast, what do we make of the person in their fifties, cynically announcing that it's too late for them, some thirty years prior?

So let's try a blue-skies experiment.

Mentally divorce your age from this equation and, frankly, throw it out the window. It's not as much of a concern as you might have thought. What did you want to do? Could you still do it? Could you bear not doing it in your lifetime? How much richer would your total story be if you got up, got motivated, pushed harder than before, and got it done?

No one ever forces you. But regret is a bitter dish.

Why not cheat it, even at this hour, which isn't nearly as late as you may think?

Buck the trend, show the energy, drive the feat, and to your own surprise, you might write a story of which you can be justly proud.

Douglas Kruger is a professional speaker and bestselling author. Visit