When you sit down to produce, do you find that the creative faucets are already open? Or does it take a while to prime the pump? Ever sit for ages before that glowing screen, waiting for inspiration? It may not be as much of a bad thing as it feels like. And it may even be a good idea to let it happen. 

I'm working on book number six with Penguin (and basking somewhat in the glow of the previous ones appearing on the 'Audible' platform). While I'm involved with the writing process, I like to read books and articles on the craft of writing, just to ensure that I'm utilising all the tools available to me. I came across one that recommends 're-naming writer's block.' 

The argument goes like this: In any pursuit, there is a period of creative stalling up front, in which the practitioner gets oriented, drifts into imagining scenarios, and essentially just dreams in creative ways, before starting with the actual work. 

The same should be true of writing, and it shouldn't be a bad thing. If you re-name your writer's block as 'rehearsal' and give yourself permission to sit for a half hour before beginning, you remove anxiety and permit yourself the time and space to strategise. 

If you're having trouble with that next article, that next chapter, that next product, as you propel yourself toward expert status, let yourself have trouble with it. But stay. Stay at it, and view the initial stall and stutter as a healthy step in the process; a perfectly normal part of producing, and ultimately, of positioning yourself as an expert.  


Douglas Kruger is a professional keynote speaker at conferences around the world. He specialises in disruptive innovation and expert-positioning, helping brands to become more memorable than their competitors’. See him in action, or sign up for his motivational newsletter, at www.douglaskruger.co.za. Book him to present for your leadership team: email info@douglaskrugerspeaker.com